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2024 Design Review Fire Station 10

Stn 10 2024


The Tiburon Fire Protection District operates from two stations: its headquarters station on Tiburon Boulevard (Station #11) and the station located at the corner of Paradise Drive and Trestle Glen Boulevard (Station #10). The headquarters station underwent a complete rebuild in 1993. Station #10 was constructed in 1960 and has reached the end of its useful life.

Since 2016, the Fire District has conducted planning for the replacement of Station 10, including site plans, architectural designs, and the development of a financing plan.

The Station 10 replacement (located at the same site) will ensure that the facility can accommodate modern firefighting apparatus and meet all requirements for housing full-time firefighters who live at the station. In addition, the replacement project will undertake site improvements to improve traffic safety for firefighters and members of the community who drive in this location.

Costs to rebuild Station 10 are estimated at $5.7 million. An independent financial review recommended funding these costs through a combination of Fire District budget reserves and a loan from the State of California. In July 2022, the Fire District Board will consider renewing the Measure J parcel tax ($75 per parcel annually) and use this revenue to repay the state loan over 30 years. The parcel tax was approved by Tiburon voters in 1980 but has not been assessed since 2005. If renewed, the tax amount would not change

A “Q&A” below provides additional information about this important project to ensure fire safety for our community.

Questions & Answers

What does the Tiburon Fire Protection District (District) do for its residents, businesses and visitors?

The District provides a full range of public safety services to the Tiburon peninsula and Belvedere community, including fire protection, fire prevention programs, emergency medical services, and hazardous materials response.

What is the District’s most pressing need to maintain its current level of public safety services to the community?

The District needs to replace Fire Station 10 located at the corner of Paradise Drive and Trestle Glen Boulevard. It was built in 1960 and has reached the end of its useful life for housing full-time staff and modern fire apparatus.

What would be required to fund the construction of a new fire station?

The estimated cost to build a new fire station is $5.7 million. An independent consultant, Sperry Capital Inc., was hired by the District to analyze the funding options available to the District. The firm recommends that the District use a portion of its reserves and finance the remainder through an infrastructure loan from the California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank (I-Bank). Its loan program offers loans up to a 30-year term and the lowest required draw on District funds. The interest rate of these loans is also fairly insulated from the current volatile conditions.

How would the District repay the I-Bank infrastructure loan?

District staff is recommending that the Board consider renewing a parcel tax and use the revenue to make the annual loan payments. Measure J was passed by Tiburon voters in 1980 to provide an essential revenue source to maintain fire protection and ambulance service levels. Under Measure J, residential property owners pay $75 a year as part of their property tax bill and business property owners pay $125 a year. The Measure J parcel tax has not been assessed for the past 16 years.

Staff is also recommending that the Board repeal a policy (Ordinance 109) that was adopted when the parcel tax went into effect and intended to encourage residential and business property owners to install fire protection systems. Under this program, properties with protection systems, such as sprinkler systems and smoke detectors, receive a discount on the parcel tax. These systems were not required or common in 1980 but are required today by local ordinances. As a result, the discount program is no longer necessary to encourage installation of such systems.

When will the District Board address the staff recommendations for financing a new fire station?

The District Board plans to address two related issues (repeal of Ordinance 109 and renewal of Measure J parcel tax) in June and July. On June 8th, the Board will hold a preliminary public hearing to consider whether to repeal Ordinance 109. On July 13th, the Board will meet to vote on whether to repeal Ordinance 109 and whether to renew the Measure J parcel tax as an element of the District’s 2022-23 budget.

Chipper Days Banner

CHIPPER DAYS HAVE RETURNED! We look forward to seeing you on the 2nd Saturday of each month from May through September!

Please visit: for more information


Tiburon – Self-serve sandbag filling stations are available at Blackie’s Pasture gravel parking lot and at the Tether Park tennis courts parking lot near Beach Road.

Belvedere – There are marked wooden sandbag-filling stations on Lagoon Road across from Maybridge Road, on Community Road at Mallard Road and across from 73 West Shore Road.


Shamrock Materials (415) 455-1575, 548 DuBois St, San Rafael

Flood bags – ready-made

Goodman’s, (415) 388-6233, 775 Redwood Hwy., MV

Have bags – empty and full

Water Components, (415) 451-1780, 44 Simms, SR (near Marin Sanitary)

Have bags – empty and full



Tiburon Fire Protection District currently has no open positions.


















Wildfire Smoke Advisory – Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Wildfire smoke in the air is due to drift smoke from the fires in Northern California and Oregon. As of 2:15pm PST, there are no active fires in Marin County.

Please do not call 9-1-1 unless you are in need of emergency assistance.

Air quality impacts are possible throughout the Bay Area. Check the AQI at


Click here to display the Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s current air quality forecast


Smartphone apps for air quality:

Plume Air Report

We currently do not have any TFPD or TVFD merchandise for sale but we thank you for your interest!