Wildfire Preparedness & Sandbag Info

January 2025 – Wildfire preparedness on the peninsula

Current Operational Readiness: The Tiburon Fire Protection District, along with our partnering agencies, are currently engaged in battling the devastating Southern California fires but we remain fully staffed locally and are prepared to address calls for service. We hope the following will address some of the most commonly asked questions.

Water Supply/ Hydrants:  Following the Loma Prieta earthquake (1989) and the Oakland Hills fire (1991) a coalition of representatives from County, Cities, Towns and Districts convened to make immediate recommendations which resulted in two hallmark programs, Fire Flow Master Plan and Fire Flow Improvement Plan, have been stewarded by Marin Water District, supported by a voter approved initiative in 1996, and renewed in 2012. Funds are used to ensure the integrity of the water transmission system following an earthquake and to provide adequate fire flow to deliver large amounts in major fires. We have greatly enhanced our domestic and fire flow system throughout the county with upgraded and increased storage capacity, new larger mains, additional hydrants and pumps and backup power. Our hydrants are visited twice a year for operational readiness and routine maintenance. If you have a hydrant on your property, please feel free to clear any adjacent vegetation or debris between our visits. 

Preparedness:  Personal preparedness involves registering online with AlertMarin, https://emergency.marincounty.gov/pages/alertmarin, creating an evacuation plan, having a “go bag” containing essential supplies, medications, preparing to evacuate with pets, assisting neighbors with mobility challenges and being ready for safe evacuation if necessary.

Evacuation:  When firefighters and paramedics are responding and heading into the emergency, your local Police Department will be helping you to evacuate away from the danger. Any questions regarding evacuation planning, including zones/maps and evacuation signs, should be directed to the local Police Departments. https://www.townoftiburon.org/537/Police-Department and https://www.cityofbelvedere.org/departments/police/

Prevention Information:  Home hardening is essential to protect buildings from igniting during wildfires. By resisting ember ignition through proper vent installation, removing combustible materials and creating defensible space, sealing openings, enclosing soffits and correctly installed gutters with guards, homes can better withstand wildfires. This is why we conduct annual Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) inspections and will do a Defensible Space inspection for anyone outside the WUI that requests it in our jurisdiction. For inspection requests, please email vegetation@tiburonfire.org.

Please take the time to learn about defensible space, home hardening and vegetation management – firesafemarin.org  & https://www.tiburonfire.org/defensible-space/  Also, remember to take advantage of our Chipper Days conducted on the second Saturday of the month, May-September at Blackie’s Pasture. For more information: https://www.tiburonfire.org/chipper-vegetation-removal-days/

To print the above information: wildfire preparedness on the peninsula_Jan. 2025


Tiburon – Self-serve sandbag filling stations are available at Blackie’s Pasture gravel parking lot and at the Tether Park tennis courts parking lot near Beach Road.

Belvedere – There are marked wooden sandbag stations on Lagoon Road across from #50, on Community Road across from the Community Center and West Shore Road across from #71.


Shamrock Materials (415) 455-1575, 548 DuBois St, San Rafael

Flood bags – ready-made

Goodman’s, (415) 388-6233, 775 Redwood Hwy., MV

Have bags – empty and full

Water Components, (415) 451-1780, 44 Simms, SR (near Marin Sanitary)

Have bags – empty and full


